100 Articles, 100 Labours, 100th Day…

thxHello there. F2R (fikir=IDEA) has started its life here, there has been 100 articles with the last one of HIRPIT “Objective, Non-suggestible Press“. And today, it’s been 100th day. Although there is only “One” author who she writes in English, I would like to thank to all contributing authors writing here more or less everyday, including myself. Thank you HIRPIT!

With this opportunity, I would like to thank to YOU, my dear readers, dear followers, anybody out there has touched F2R’s grounds somehow, THANK YOU. If the authors were not here, you wouldn’t be here, if you weren’t be here, this site wouldn’t be existed as the way it is now. In such a day, I believe, asking a favor from all of you wouldn’t be too much. I know you’re reading, following. There are RSS subscribers as well as registered users. Please SUBSCRIBE. We need comments, we need word of mouth expansion.  Do you like the articles, share them please. If you think we need to improve something on the site or you want us to talk about some other stuff, please write to and inform me here. And please support us by sharing F2R with your friends and groups.

I thank you and HIRPIT again. LET’S KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.

with Love and Harmony

Cumhur Dursun | Admin | @soulcan

By Cumhur Dursun

Cumhur; Ankara doğumlu. Ziraat Yük. Mühendisi. Basketbol ve hentbol, bir zamanlar olmazsa olmazları. Askerlik sonrası Lever ile başlayan iş hayatı, devamında önemli firmalarla oluşturulmuş bir tecrübe ve bilgi denizine dönüştürmüş O'nu. Reklam oyunculuğu yaptığı günlerde, tanıştığı birinden öğrenmiş resim yazmayı ve 2003'te katıldığı bir seminerde de renklerin dünyasına düşmüş. O zamandan beridir; bazen yoğun bazen aylak, desenlerinin dünyasında. Desenlerine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Şimdilerde yazıyor, çiziyor, fikir üretiyor, websitesi tasarlıyor. Sitelerinden soulcan.com desenleri ile ilgili, f2r.net ise konusunda bilgili yazara ev sahipliği yapan bir blog. Sevmeyi, gülmeyi, seyahat etmeyi, okumayı, söylemeyi, dinlemeyi çok seviyor.


  1. I really enjoy this cooperation and thank you very much for your great support, thank you for letting me speak my mind and for no restrictions. I wish each and every person would have someone that a mentor or friend like you.
    I hope to meet you in person soon.
    With my deepest respect and appreciation
    finest regards

  2. Beautiful brain, smart interpretation, intelligent mind! Anytime HIRPIT, anytime. You’re more than welcome. We will meet soon.
    All the best

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