Lüfthildis and Husband

lufthildisandhusbandToday I would like to set the Human Rights at rest. I will continue this issue later. Today I want to tell you an unusual story. A story that I was told and I think it should be spread all over the world.

I want to talk about Lüfthildis(a synonym) and her husband, two people of one kind, two people with two different parents and only the Lord knows how this could happen. They are the same creation with different skills, different genders, coming from two different cultures, two different countries but they have the same mind.

I don’t really know them and I think nobody really does. It would kind of amaze me if they would know themselves. These two people one can say were made for one another, not only because they are so similar but also as I think nobody can really bare the way they are. I like them but I think living with them, being different, one could call impossible.

Lüfthildis is hard to describe but I will still try. She is stubborn, always has to have the last word and avoids discussions but once she gets into one, she doesn’t stop until she thinks the point is solved, no matter whether it is solved for the other side or not, she is generally not a hard person but don’t touch her principles. Her husband- I don’t know him as long as I know her- is a strong personality, very creative but as stubborn as she is, he is gentle and thoughtful but don’t touch his principles. He is probably the only man I ever heard of that can say: sorry; he avoids discussions like she does. Enough! They are made for each other, I think I made my point clear already.

I would like to tell you about one of their days, a day like everyday for them but I can not see it that way.I am not saying that because I am jealous or because I am not happy I am telling this story because I like the lightness, the brightness and the easiness of life, being aware that I sometimes forget about it.

Thank you Lüfthildis and husband to allow me to tell this for everyone to read it.

The day started very early because they were staying at a friends house and they had a 3 hour car-ride ahead of them. They went to go and have dinner with Lüfthildis’s parents-in-law, who live in a different city. It was her second meeting with them, the first meeting since they were engaged and the first meeting in their house- a big thing let me tell you. Lüfthildis, having these bees in her stomach for days already, was so excited that she was either being a paint because she was talking non-stop or she was sleeping. Her blood-pressure was astronomical. Her husband woke her up in the morning and took her to a place to eat a sandwich which made her shut-up at least for some seconds as she had to bite off it. He was driving thank God otherwise they would most likely be still on their way. So they left the city at around 08:00 in the morning. It took them approximately an hour to arrive at the border of the city. Lüfthildis finished her sandwich until there and started blubbing, she had to tell about her childhood, Adam and Eve, then her dreams, her wishes, her aims, her past again, by the way she obviously loves confusing people by not sticking to one issue and not telling anyone when she changes issues. Her husband after some time calmly asked her whether she wants to sleep, as she filled the two second gaps, which others use to inhale, to tell him that she is tired. She tortured him by saying: “No I am fine, I won’t sleep while you are driving, I don’t like the idea. I want to be with you when you are up and sleep next to you when you sleep.” We don’t want to talk about what other man would have thought, her husband IS DIFFERENT! I think each and every woman would love to have somebody like him. He told her that this was the nicest thing her heard in this connection because all the women he knew before slept as soon as he started driving. Who wouldn’t want that kind of man, I would! Which woman in the world does not know how it feels when your heart is beating so loud that you are scared of each silent moment, because you don’t want to hear your heart beating so loud, that her ears might fall off.

to be continued…

Tomorrow: “the moment’s coming closer” in Lüfthildis and husband.


By Cumhur Dursun

Cumhur; Ankara doğumlu. Ziraat Yük. Mühendisi. Basketbol ve hentbol, bir zamanlar olmazsa olmazları. Askerlik sonrası Lever ile başlayan iş hayatı, devamında önemli firmalarla oluşturulmuş bir tecrübe ve bilgi denizine dönüştürmüş O'nu. Reklam oyunculuğu yaptığı günlerde, tanıştığı birinden öğrenmiş resim yazmayı ve 2003'te katıldığı bir seminerde de renklerin dünyasına düşmüş. O zamandan beridir; bazen yoğun bazen aylak, desenlerinin dünyasında. Desenlerine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Şimdilerde yazıyor, çiziyor, fikir üretiyor, websitesi tasarlıyor. Sitelerinden soulcan.com desenleri ile ilgili, f2r.net ise konusunda bilgili yazara ev sahipliği yapan bir blog. Sevmeyi, gülmeyi, seyahat etmeyi, okumayı, söylemeyi, dinlemeyi çok seviyor.

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